Cà di Rajo (Italy)
The company Cà di Rajo («The house of the sun ray») is a family wine-making household placed not far from Venice, historically famous for Prosecco wine. The household is known as well for the wine produced of Veneto local vine variety Raboso, the wine of which Marco polo used to drink during his long trips to Asia.
Cà di Rajo cultivates the vine with an ancient method familiar to ancient Greek and Roman. Harvesting is effected by hand to grant the best quality of the grape. Nowadays wines from Cà di Rajo are presented in more than 30 countries of the world and are appreciated by wine-lovers.
Societa’ Agricola Ca’ Di Rajo
Via Del Carmine 2/2 Ral — San Polo Di Piave (TV)
Tel: +39 0422 855885
Fax: +39 0422 805627
Mobile: +39 346 8089899
Mail: commerciale@cadirajo.it
Contact person: Valentina Verando

Gennadiy A. Alexandrov
sommelier of the restaurant "La Terrazza" in Sochi

Anna A.Arsenova
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Olga А. Arkhipova
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Dmitriy S. Beloborodov
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Konstantin P. Beskrovniy
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Vladimir V. Besprozvanniy
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Valentina Z. Butz
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Alexander V. Vinnik
President of the East European Sommeliers and Experts Association, member of Russian Sommelier Association and Associazione Italiana Sommeliers, graduated from the Sommelier School of the Sommelier Association of Tuscany, Florence, doctor of Philosophy, President of the Group of companies Mozart House.

Kristina К. Vidrya
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Yulia A. Gryadunova
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Vyacheslav R.Gyandzhetsyan
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Vitaliy Z.Davydov
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Mark I. Egorov
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Igor V. Ezhov
Member of Associazione Italiana Sommeliers, graduated from the School of Associazione Italiana Sommeliers.

Kseniya K.Zamorohova
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Andrey A. Zorin
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Andrey M. Ishenko
Member of Russian Sommelier Association and Associazione Italiana Sommeliers, graduated from the Sommelier School of Associazione Italiana Sommeliers and leading Russian Schools «Eonotria» and «Nostalgie» (Moskow).

Svetlana G. Kizer
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Vladimir N. Klimov
Enthusiast wine-lover, client of the network Mozart Wine House.

Maxim I. Kobilnikov
Leading expert of the East European Sommeliers and Experts Association, sommelier of wine bar & boutique Mozart Wine House, sommelier of wine restaurant Pinot Noir, member of Russian Sommelier Association and Associazione Italiana Sommeliers, graduated from the Sommelier School of Associazione Italiana Sommeliers and leading Russian School «Eonotria».

Anastasia A. Kondrenko
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Yulia O. Korzhova
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Alexander G.Korotenko
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Oksana E. Kosminina
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Nikita V. Kossoborodov
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Daria I. Kostevich
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Leonid B.Kudin
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Roman G. Kudriavtsev
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Andrey S.Kuznetsov
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Viktoria O. Kustova
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Danil G. Lebedev
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Lilia A. Li
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Anna Y.Lisova
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Alexander Y. Maistrenko
Sous-chef of the wine restaurant Pinot Noir, Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Sergey S. Mitzik
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.
Sommelier Academy «Mozart Wine House»
It is the only educational institution in South of Russia to possess a license for educational activity in sphere of wine culture (license n A 327955, registration n 266 from 24.08.2009, app. from 21.06.2010). The academy is supervised by the East European Sommeliers and Experts Association which is a part of Worldwide Sommelier Association. The Academy offers its services in professional training and further employment assistance of alcohol market specialists — sommeliers, waiters, cellarists, as well as diverse courses of various duration for wine connoisseurs.

Anton V. Naronovich
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.
J.S.C. «Millerovskiy Wine Factory»
«Millerovskiy Wine Factory» is a production section of the agricultural producing holding including as well Managing Company «Donvinprom» Ltd., «Vederniki» Ltd., «Vina Vedernikova» Ltd. «MWF» J.S.C. Composes of warehouses and production areas of bottling the wine. Project capacity of the equipment is 300 thousand bottles per month or 3600 bottles per year. Situation: town of Millerovo, Rostov region. Essential production — wines (dry and semi-sweet) and dessert wines under the trade marks «Vinniy Kvartal» and «Vina Vedernikova».
Ltd «APF «Fanagoria»
«Fanagoria» is one of the leading wine-making enterprise of Russia. Proper vineyards take an area of 2300 hectares and guarantee the quality of the final product. It is a full cycle enterprise — from cultivation of seedlings till grape processing, wine-making and distribution.
Ltd «Atlant-Rostov»
Atlant Rostov Ltd. Is the exclusive distributor in Russia of Spanish company Anecoop, producer of following brands: Reymos, Sangria Sol de Luna, Venta del Puerto, and wine from other excellent Spanish wine-makers like Pago de los Capellanes, Vina Pedrosa and Hacienda Monasterio.
Ltd «Kuban-Vino»
«Kuban-Vino» is one of the leading producers of grape wine and sparkling wine, as well as brandy. The factory was founded in 1956 in the village Starotitorovskaya of the Temruk Area situated in the east part of the Taman peninsula between coastal lakes Akhtanizovskoe and Kizilshtatskoe. The factory Starotitarovsk is a full cycle wine-making enterprise which cultivates vine, process it and finish by aging wine in oak casks and dispatching it for bottling. The factory produced marked and high-quality ordinary wines and brandy. In 1999 it was named Agricultural Firm «Kuban-Vino» Ltd., two years later — «Kuban-Vino Ltd.»
Ltd «Mozart Wine House»
«Mozart Wine House» is a company, included into the Austrian Group of Companies «Mozart House», is the first one in South of Russia to realize a comprehensive approach to the wine business. The company’s activity includes the following directions. : wine and delicatessen boutiques «Mozart Wine House», eonogastronomic bar «Mozart Wine House», the large complex of services of our company includes the whole spectrum of work with wine: drink consulting, composition and maintenance of private wine collections, wine delivery at special prices, responsible storage in our own wine cellar, recorking of rare wine bottles by natural cork stoppers, designing of wine cards for restaurants and oenogastronomic consulting, development and realization of profitable wine investments, construction and service of wine cellars on the basis of special computer software.
Ltd «Rostov factory of Sparkling Wines»
«Rostov Factory of Sparkling Wines», Ltd. produces sparkling wines since 1937. This is one of the leading enterprises of the sector of sparkling wine. Partners of the «RFSW» are 120 firms all over Russia. Marketing system and developed promotion technologies let the enterprise increase both volume and coverage. High quality of products is proved by the name of «Best Product of the Year», medals, diplomas and grand Prix of international and internal competitions. The collection titles includes 120 items.

Elena M. Orazbaeva
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Irina S. Petnenko
General manager of the project Mozart Wine House, member of Associazione Italiana Sommeliers, graduated from the School of Associazione Italiana Sommeliers.

Tamara V. Petrova
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Tatyana S. Pozharskaya
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Elena A. Popova
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Anastasia E. Popolitova
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Vladimir S. Prikhodko
Sommelier, assistant of the maitre d'hotel of wine restaurant Pinot Noir, graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Alexey A. Radchenko
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Yulia V. Ratobylskaya
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Andrey G. Rizhkov
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Vadim Y.Svystchov
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Andrey B. Selin
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Stanislav V. Sikilinda
Member of Associazione Italiana Sommeliers, graduated from the School of Associazione Italiana Sommeliers.

Valentina V. Silantieva
Member of Associazione Italiana Sommeliers, graduated from the School of Associazione Italiana Sommeliers.

Alexey A. Skidan
Vice - President of the East European Sommeliers and Experts Association

Alexandra S. Starodubets
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Daria S. Tarasova
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Inna A. Tuz
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Alexey V. Frolov
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House..

Elizaveta Y.Khimicheva
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Igor V.Holodov
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Mikhail S. Khoyanyan
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Artem G.Tsoy
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Margarita S. Chekina
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House..

Maxim I. Chepenko
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Dmitriy V.Chepurko
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Vladimir S. Schvayko
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Kristina A. Shvetz
Member of Associazione Italiana Sommeliers.

Sergey A. Shteigervald
Chief cavist of the wine and delicatessen boutique Mozart Wine House, graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Boris S. Shulaykin
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Olga V. Shulgina
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House.

Mishel M.Yusef
Graduated from the Academy of Sommelier Mozart Wine House, cavist of the wine boutique Mozart Wine House.