12 Sep 2013

Wine and depression

Wine and depression

The scientists at the University of Navarra have published the results of a seven-year study, which was attended by 5,500 people. The scientists say that drinking wine in an amount of from two to seven of wine glasses a week reduces the risk of depression by an average of 32%. The relevant study was conducted by scientists from the University of Navarra in Spain. Its results relate mainly to people in middle age and elder. 5500 people who use wine in small and moderate amounts, between the ages of 55 and 80 years participated in the study which lasted for seven years. The scientists monitored their level of alcohol use, a mental health and a lifestyle. Those of study participants who drank alcohol moderately have been exposed to "significantly lower" risk of falling into a depression. "Alcohol in small amounts can provide protection from depression as well as in the case of diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is believed that the mechanism of depression and related disorders the same "- it is said by Miguel Martinez-Gonzalez, the senior author of the study. Source – www.vinum.ru